12 Step Alternative

People trying to overcome addiction come from different cultures and backgrounds, are at various stages of change, and access a wide cross-section of services. Despite these differences, many people in recovery are asked, if not required, to “work the steps”, established with the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1935.

But AA is not the only support group available to support people in recovery. In today’s time, people want choice and more control over their recovery and are therefore seeking alternatives. Those that seek alternatives find that AA is secular, see the individual as being powerless, and see the individual in constant recovery rather than being recovered (Reardon, Christina, Alternative to 12 step Addiction to Recovery, Social Work Today, Vol. 13, No. 6, P12). Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous mentions “Recovered” eight times. Why the discrepancy? Could it be that the AA in general has been misinterpreted? Are there genuine alternatives?

This workshop explores the discrepancy of the 12 step program and looks at the 12 basic principles of recovery, those being:

  • Surrender
  • Connect
  • Commit
  • Reflect
  • Admit
  • Comply
  • Accept
  • Forgive
  • Vigilance
  • Communication
  • Demonstration
  • Creation